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Quality Control Calibration Kit

35 FT Tape Measure, Undercut/reinforcement gage (VWAC) and 7-piece fillet gage set certified calibrated traceable to NIST

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35 FT Tape Measure, Undercut/reinforcement gage (VWAC) and 7-piece fillet gage set certified calibrated traceable to NIST

What's included:

  • Fillet Weld Gage Set – 7 piece Cat# 8
  • VWAC Weld Gage Set – Cat# 5
  • 35 FT Tape Measure

*Does not include custom Atema gage pouch

The Quality Control Calibration Kit is an essential kit for any AISC calibration program, consisting of a 35 FT tape measure, an Undercut/Reinforcement Gage (VWAC), and a comprehensive 7-piece Fillet Weld Gage Set - all certified calibrated traceable to NIST. These tools are vital for fabricators and manufacturers in infrastructure, aerospace, automotive, materials testing, and other industries that require highly accurate measurement.

 The Fillet Weld Gage Set and the Undercut/Reinforcement Gage (VWAC) come with certified calibration documentation highlighting calibration was performed in accordance with ISO 17025:2017, ANSI/NCSL Z540-1, Mil-STD- 45662A, Webber Quality Manual QCM-1G dated 11/15/14, and Webber Calibration Procedure WCP-C13 9/6.2006, meeting or exceeding all requirements for the American Association of Railroads and the Federal Railroad Administration. The numbered and registered gages are manufactured and tested to tolerances not to exceed +/- .006 (or +/- .15mm) tolerance level, ensuring that the highest quality and precision are maintained.

The 35 FT tape measure comes with certified calibration documentation certifying that standards and equipment used for inspection are certified accurate with reference to 68 degrees F, traceable to Master Standards at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Calibration is performed with transfer standards which are progressively more accurate in the order of 4:1. Starrett attests that the measuring and test equipment, and calibrations performed on the tapes are in accordance with ISO 17025:2017, ANSI/NCSL Z540-1, Mil-STD- 45662A. The accuracy is rated at +/- 1/32" for the first 12 Feet, +/- 1/16" for the remainder.

A note on calibration dates:

Calibration dates are suggested by the manufacturer, but you may select a recalibration date with an interval of your choosing, as long as this is documented in your Quality Manual or other quality documents. Atema recommends a 5-year recalibration date for gauges used as a Master set. Atema certifies that all tools sold are new (never refurbished) and are stored in temperature and humidity-controlled storage.

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 2 lbs